In his 26th year with the Amherst Police Department, Acting Chief of Police Gabriel Ting has extensive experience with town-gown relationships within the town of Amherst, in which the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst College, and Hampshire College all call home. While beginning as a patrol officer, Chief Ting had worked his way through the ranks to experience every layer of partnership from directly dealing with problems on the street level, to developing administrative policies to find solutions. During his time as the Captain of Operations commanding the patrol division, Chief Ting had an active roll in collaborating with his academic partners and allowing inclusivity from the student body to help change the destructive party culture in Amherst to one where social life can be accomplished responsibly within their respective campuses and off-campus locations. Chief Ting is committed to the mission of transforming the town and gown relationship in Amherst into becoming one community.
Chief Ting is a native of Amherst and a University of Massachusetts at Amherst alumna, having received a bachelor degree and a masters degree from nearby Western New England University.