Recorded Webinars
Community Outreach Service Days – Strategies for Successful Experiences for All
Gain insights from leaders of successful community service programs at University of Georgia and Texas A&M who will share their experiences and strategies. Additionally, hear directly from a community partner from Athens-Clarke County Unified Government in Georgia about the importance of collaborating to create positive experiences for everyone involved.
Partying Smart, Partying Safe, Partying... Quietly? A Panel Discussion
This webinar covers the structures and scopes of their initiatives, the challenges they've encountered along the way, and the successes they have seen since implementation. Attendees will come away with a better understanding of how such programs and initiatives can successfully be applied to their own municipalities.
A Joint Town-Gown Climate Plan and the Story of Relationship Building
The Mayor of the City of Decatur, Georgia, and President of Agnes Scott College recently completed a joint Climate Resilience Plan. This plan is the latest example of a long history of collaborations between this liberal arts college and progressive southern city.
Addressing Housing Uncertainty On and Off-Campus: Approaches from Canada and the United Kingdom
This webinar covers understanding the role of studentification in shaping communities, the unique perspective of being a town-gown city councillor, the fundamentals of student-oriented housing development, and an overview of the land use planning approach adopted for the Northdale near-campus neighbourhood in Waterloo, Canada
Addressing Housing Uncertainty On and Off-Campus: Approaches from Canada and the United Kingdom PowerPoint
This webinar covers understanding the role of studentification in shaping communities, the unique perspective of being a town-gown city councillor, the fundamentals of student-oriented housing development, and an overview of the land use planning approach adopted for the Northdale near-campus neighbourhood in Waterloo, Canada.
A recent report from George Mason University suggests that “anchor institutions” can help address the crisis on a local level. The report was made for the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area.
Effective Approaches For Addressing Housing Uncertainty in College Towns
In this webinar, panelists highlight effective approaches for addressing housing uncertainty in college towns, including micro-units, blended developments, land use on and off-campus, and advocacy laws and regulations that support housing development.
Effective Approaches For Addressing Housing Uncertainty PowerPoint
In this webinar, panelists highlight effective approaches for addressing housing uncertainty in college towns, including micro-units, blended developments, land use on and off-campus, and advocacy laws and regulations that support housing development.
ITGA Nighttime Economy - LINK Strategic Partners
Housing Uncertainty in College Communities
The first webinar in the Leveraging Town & Gown Partnerships for Housing Solutions series is titled “Housing Uncertainty in College Communities.” The session features panelists from three town-gown communities sharing housing-related obstacles and potential strategies for addressing space inventory such as zoning laws, occupancy restrictions and more.
Housing Uncertainty in College Communities PowerPoint
The first webinar in the Leveraging Town & Gown Partnerships for Housing Solutions series is titled “Housing Uncertainty in College Communities.” The session features panelists from three town-gown communities sharing housing-related obstacles and potential strategies for addressing space inventory such as zoning laws, occupancy restrictions and more.
Water Cooler Chat: Chinese Student Exploitation
Following a highly successful session at the UKTGA, Cooper Healey, ITGA Board Member is delighted to share this ‘Water Cooler Chat.’ Dave Wilson from West Midlands Police, UK, is a specialist in the vulnerability of Chinese Students in University / College cities.
Late Night LunchTime Talk Show
In our first episode, ITGA Board Members Michael Akin and Krisan Osterby, joined by trusty sidekicks Poppy Humphrey and Woody Giles, will introduce the concept for this new quarterly series. Then, Michael will engage in a thought-provoking discussion with Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette, the new President & CEO of Newfields in Indianapolis, IN.
Making the 2020 Census Count
The 2020 Census Count Question Resolution (CQR) program provides a mechanism for government units to request a review of their official 2020 Census results.
ITGA Town Gown Turnaround: July 2021
Learn Ways to Measure Your Town-Gown Relationship
Human Trafficking and Town & Gown Dynamics: Exploring Vulnerabilities Unique to Campuses
Handout: Human Trafficking and Town & Gown Dynamics: Exploring Vulnerabilities Unique to Campuses
Study Abroad Programs. Financial stress. Food scarcity. Seeking Arrangements. What do these things have to do with Human Trafficking?